Cubro is a leading manufacturer and global supplier of IT network visibility products that provide network monitoring, security and analytics visibility solutions for Service Providers and Enterprise networks. Cubro‘s product range includes Network TAPs, Advanced Network Packet Brokers, Network Probes and Bypass Switches. As transformational technologies like 5G, SDN/NFV, SD-WAN, virtualization, and IoT are being adopted, networks have become increasingly complex with additional ‘blind-spots’.
Blind spots are network traffic that is not visible to network monitoring, security and analytics tools and can hide and obscure network performance and security threats. Today Service Providers and Enterprises must be able to see all of their data and applications in real time to secure and manage their growing networks and traffic demands while improving productivity and keeping watch for security attacks and leaks.
Cubro solutions provide enhanced visibility and control of all data transiting an organization’s network and are instrumental in the successful outcomes of IT initiatives including:
Omnia is a unique range of integrated capability products that scale from low cost entry level through to high performance Data Centre products for small through to large Enterprises.
Omnia integrates multiple capabilities into a single appliance including network TAP, Advanced Network Packet Broker, packet capture and the ability to host Cubro and third party software applications. Depending on the software installed Omnia can be configured as an integrated network TAP and Advanced Network Packet Broker, integrated network TAP, ANPB and network monitoring appliance or security appliance or analytics appliance.
Key features are software dependent and include:
Sessionmasters are a range of non-blocking Advanced Network Packet Brokers designed for Enterprise and Service Provide use cases.
Sessionmasters understand network traffic up to OSI Application layer 7 to filter, replicate and optimise relevant network traffic and send the replicated traffic to network monitoring, security and analytics tools.
Key features are model dependent and include:
Advanced features in addition to the Packetmaster features include SIP/RTP filtering and correlation; GTP load balancing and inner IP filtering; VXLAN and inner IP filtering; IMSI filtering; deduplication; Deep Packet Inspection; Netflow/IPFIX generation and export; SSL/TLS decryption
Packetmasters are a range of non-blocking Network Packet Brokers that scale from low-cost entry level through to high performance Data Centre and Service Provider performance solutions.
Packetmasters understand OSI layer 2 to transport layer 4 network traffic to filter, replicate and optimise relevant traffic and send the replicated traffic to network monitoring, security and analytics tools.
Cubro Bypass TAPs are a range of intelligent network TAPs that are able to automatically bypass an in-line network tool or device that is out-of-service and automatically restore the link when service is restored.
Cubro manufactures a wide range of optical and electrical network TAPs that allow real time monitoring access to a physical data link with no network performance degradation or risk. TAPs are installed in-line to copy complete network traffic that can be used by network monitoring, security and analytics tools.
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